We provide clinic-based services in a highly structured environment. Kids get 1:1 services with their therapist with an individualized behavior plan. We meet your child where they are.
Oftentimes parents want to be able to address behaviors of concern that occur in the natural environment and that includes places in the community like your neighborhood grocery store, playground, field trips, etc. We want to generalized skills learned for everyday life. These are real life settings and our absolute favorite! Goals may include building social skills, generalization (can they say hello to others in multiple ways; hey, hi,), assist with tantrum, and elopement (darting off) behaviors.
Natural Environment Training “NET” is about naturalistic “learning through play” or learning that occurs in the natural setting, Learning isn’t always occurring in the therapy room, but in a variety of environments. Goals in this environment can be transitioning from tasks, bedtime routines, toileting, dressing, independent play, decreasing challenging behaviors that may be occurring in this setting.
Similar to our clinic based setting we are able to work with students who have difficulty maintaining on task, who elope (dart off), display aggression toward other students, and property destruction.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is the gold standard assessment in assisting physician to determine the presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder. When you come in for an ADOS assessment you can expect a series of semi-structured observations of your child’s communication skills, social interaction, and the use of imaginative play using various materials. Once the assessment is completed, our assessor will score and prepare a written report for your child’s physician.
We take an All Hands On Deck approach and we firmly believe that parent involvement is critical to your child’s success in our program. Positive outcomes can be achieved through maintaining generalization across caregivers. Our Analysts provide you with the skills you need to apply the general principals of ABA and continue working with your child. You will learn effective strategies to remain consistent with progress toward goals.
We recognize that our vulnerable population need to be protected from being exposed to large crowds and some are attending virtual school. Much like the in-school assistance we provide, we are also able to assist with virtual learning at our clinic or in-home. This also includes children that homeschool.
We ENDEAVOR to create therapeutic interventions with the goal of increasing our clients' quality of life.
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